Joey Hou
by Joey Hou



Can’t believe it’s birthday time again.

The last time I remembered about birthday party was in 2020, when I had my 21-st birthday. On that very day, I had a 3-hour final in a Computer Vision class from 7 to 10PM. For the same reason, I drove to an KFC at 11PM to get fried chickens and then drove to the Vons market near La Regencia to get my first legal alcohol.

By the way, I self-made the cocktail “White Russia” at that day: it was okay. I remember drinking half a cup of it and then starting to mix it with diet coke. While I was doing it, my roommates joined me for 小姐牌 all the way till 4AM: after all that’s the final days of the finals week.

What a time.

Time has silently fade away when I reflect on myself, especially the friendships date back to those days. Like an unused silver plate covered with heavy dust lying in the deepest corner of the kitchen closet; or like the sleep I had during a red-eye; or like the funny hat I bought in a random souvenir shop: you get the idea.

I guess that’s just the annual summertime sadness.